2 definitions by The true shoe shop

First of all to node is when you ejaculate. Nodevember is the month of November where an individual does not "node" for a whole month in order to be on a cleanse before the end of a year. For the whole month you must not "node" unless in the extreme case of someone you find attractive forcing the ide of sexual activities with you however the idea for such activities cannot be put forth by the individual taking part in Nodevember.
Sorry I've been a bit on edge recently because I have been participating in Nodevember.
by The true shoe shop November 1, 2017
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A place of Roman Catholic teaching where instead of a school prom, there is chapel every other week. On special occasions such as saint's feast days, jugs of very poorly rationed cordial is handed out to the pupils at lunch. Members of this place are referred to as Oratorians. An Oratorian can easily be summoned through loudly chanting "pater noster" in which the summoned Oratorian will reply "qui est in chelis". Pupils of the London Oratory will be told that they go to the "Eton of state schools" only for when they visit Eton in rugby matches the pupils are puzzled due to the lack of similarity in any shape or form. Each of the 7 years are divided into six houses, which very uncompetitively compete to win the annual house cup. This is due to the fact that not one individual is aware of how a house gets points only that when you come back after the summer another house's name is added onto the big wooden board.
I go to the London oratory it's kind of put me off the whole Catholicism idea.
The London Oratory is in severe debt but at least the library looks cool.
by The true shoe shop July 20, 2018
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