6 definitions by The silent shart

Gayd is when you accidentally touch the ass, dick/vegina or hand from the same sex
Richard: (accidentally touches hand from Willy)
Dickson: haha Willy got gayd
by The silent shart July 2, 2018
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When you are an English player playing against Colombia and you miss a free kick
by The silent shart July 3, 2018
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Its when you take a shit but mid departure you realize that you dont have any toilet paper. So you have to stop and go to a different toilet or find toilet paper
I had to hold my shit cause i don't have toilet paper. Can i borrow some off you?
by The silent shart July 2, 2018
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When some sack head tries to ban memes
Meme bois: wow angela merkel is one shitty european politic
by The silent shart July 2, 2018
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Rudiger: dude i just got a foot to the balls
Gunter: Thats gonna hurt in the mornin
by The silent shart July 2, 2018
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