4 definitions by The fag that u hate

An animal that is very fat and has tusks. Walruses somtimes originate from Puerto Rico and Chicago.
My name is bugga whalrus and im from chicago.
by The fag that u hate December 12, 2017
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Someone with who has a nose that sticks upward.

If you have that nose you can shoot walruses and shoot with your tits.
Sup double barrel shotgun nose go shoot that walrus.
by The fag that u hate December 14, 2017
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Somthing you shouldn't look up.
Guy1:"Hey look up Blue waffle."
He got victimized
by The fag that u hate December 12, 2017
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A slang term to piss off an Irish man.
"Muh muh u pattywagon."

"Nick nack patty wack give the dog a bone this old man came rolling home..."
by The fag that u hate December 12, 2017
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