35 definitions by The Professor

the noun form of babelicious. A high concentration of this in a woman will cause in observant males a swelling of the nether region.
Why look, Chauncey, that young lady appears to have a significant babosity quotient.

You're so right, Basil.
by The Professor October 14, 2004
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A word that doesn't mean anything because some botard can't spell for shit.
I think I'm smart, so I'll put a big word in the UD. However, I will only succeed in subjecting myself to ridicule because I can't actually spell.
by The Professor January 6, 2005
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of or relating to the act of physically consuming fritos.
Archibald Winslow decided he was going to eat fritos.
by The Professor June 28, 2004
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An phrase or alternative version of the PePe the Frog emote from the streaming website Twitch, used in situations where something in the stream mediates something offensive that could be against the Terms Of Service of Twitch
Streamer: *Says or does something bad or offensive that they probably will regret later
Chat: MonkaToS! MonkaToS!
by The Professor August 8, 2019
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The panzerfaust in Wolfenstein, or Wolfenstein ET. Only used when referring to this weapon in the hands of an unskilled player.
Battle Magic keeps TKing everyone with that Noob Stick
by The Professor November 8, 2003
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Is usually used following an unexpected display of affection (typically a kiss) from a person whom one has a crush on.

While I am unsure of the exact etymology of the phrase, I can remember first hearing it on an old Brady Bunch episode when Marcia Brady said it after Davy Jones from the Monkees kissed her on the cheek.
"I can't believe Davy Jones kissed me! I'll never wash this cheek again."
by The Professor July 12, 2004
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