28 definitions by The Moai

The special bus that brings the 'challenged' children to school. So called after the children's TV series, as is the bus is full of animated vegetables.
'The one eating toilet roll is Stevie - he comes in on the Munch Bunch bus....'
by The Moai March 8, 2005
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Noun. Taken from BBC's excellent historical comedy, 'Blackadder The Second'. One becomes Cardinal Chunder if one vomits copiously in response to alcohol.
'What's that noise in the bathroom?'
'Ceri has just become the first female Cardinal Chunder, due to Rob's poteen.'
by The Moai March 31, 2005
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One who only wears one hat, when others around him wear many.
'Luke is a monohatter! WHERE'S YOUR HAT AAAAAAAT?!?!?'
by The Moai April 10, 2006
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The tax one pays for a girl with big norks - she wil usually have a big arse, too.
'She had a huge chest but, bloody hell, did I ever have to pay some serious arse tax.'
by The Moai April 14, 2005
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A generic, non-brand fizzy drink for kids. The worst offender is Panda Cola.
'When we were kids, our mum would give us pikey pop to take to school. the additives made my brother go mental'
by The Moai April 6, 2005
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