8 definitions by The Grammar Inquisitor

n. the opposite of killing or badong
From now on I will stand for the opposite of killing...gnadab!
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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I'm so glad my S-A-T's are over. I felt like my head was gonna explode.
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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adj. feeling absolutely horrible to the point where no other word could possibly explain your anguish
I can't even think of a word that describes just how terrible I feel right now! I feel...I feel...AGUBUA!
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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v. to mill about aimlessly, paying no heed to one's assigned labors for several hours, then doing it
I'm gonna go study at the arcade. Be back in a few hours.
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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n. person who constantly make sbelittling remarks toward or about homosexuals, tends to go hand-in-hand with bigotry, sometimes turns out to have unresolved homosexual leanings they're too afraid to face
Right, that's really "gay." Man, why you gotta be such a homophobe all the time?
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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adj. allowing others to walk all over you as if you were a doormat
I'm not gonna passively sit at home while that jerk steals my man!
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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adj. 1: tending to take the submissive, inactive role in sex 2: being acted upon 3: "bottom"
I thought Sam was passive. Why'd you let 'im fuck you?
by The Grammar Inquisitor December 3, 2002
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