13 definitions by The Dodger

A truly innovative cartoon that Nickolodean didn't appreciate and canceled. TNN tried to bring back new episodes but they truly sucked and it ruined the shows image.
I'd rather drink a bucket of vomit than watch the new Ren and Stimpy.
by The Dodger November 16, 2003
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Vaudeville routine made famous by the Three Stooges.
Slooooooowly I turned, step-by-step, inch-by-inch, and then I jumped on him, and I punched him an kicked him, till he was pissing blood, Aggggghhhhhhh!!!
by The Dodger January 9, 2005
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A totally gaywad movie about a bunch of low life fartknockers that don't have jobs, but manage to drive $80,000 cars and loaf around all day having *kewl* adventures.
The Fast And The Furious should have included the Mystery Van from Scooby-Doo, then it would have rocked.
by The Dodger November 11, 2003
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A "gimmick" band that has outlived it's 15 minutes of fame. The band members openly admit that they are not real musicians, and that they are nothing more than travelling clowns in jumpsuits. 90 percent of slipknot lyrics consist of the word "fuck". Slipknot fans are stupid.
Latest slipknot lyrics: "fuckety-fuck fuck this and fuck that, fuckety fuckety fuck". Fuck.
by The Dodger March 24, 2005
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The U.S.branch of service that is responsible for delivering our nuclear weapons, therefore the most powerful fucking military unit that has ever existed in the world. What's unique about the Air Force is that it is the only military unit in which the officers do all the fighting, while the enlisted men sit back and deliver toilet paper or type up memos ordering officers to their death.
I'm an enlisted man in the Air Force. I'm a little non-combatant twat.
by The Dodger October 12, 2004
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My alma mater, currently on my shit-list because it employs a convicted felon as a "professor" of black studies.
PROFESSOR Ron Karenga? What the fuck is up with that?
by The Dodger September 9, 2004
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