5 definitions by The Doc75

Goading a dude to do something by illustrating what a fuckin' pussy he's being.
Dude 1: Hey, I made it to the apartment. The apartment itself is nice but I’m anxious about the neighbourhood. It doesn’t help that I don’t have a car so I’m stuck on foot and public transportation.
Me: North you’re fine, South it gets a little dicey
Dude 1: That’s not really encouraging. I’m sorry about this, but I’m hoping I can cancel the rest of the stay.
Me: Uber is plentiful and cheap, pick you up right outside. Dude, I lived there for seven years. Greg has been staying there two nights a week for five years. He's a little 70 year old man. I've had countless guests of all types stay there - men, women from all over the world. Never had any problems. One guest was this tiny little Filipino chick, about 45 kg, she didn't have a problem. The Ukrainian girl I mentioned didn't have a car either. She stayed there for a month and didn't even use Uber. She walked downtown every day, didn't have any problem
Dude 2: Is the guy going to stay?
Me: He might, I man shamed the shit out of him
by The Doc75 May 6, 2017
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That one employee has been slacking off lately. I'm gonna hafta give him an ass shock
by The Doc75 May 24, 2017
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Sitting in your underwear drinking and watching TV
Child: Mommy, where’s Daddy? He’s supposed to drive me to soccer practice.
Mother: Oh, I better drive you, Daddy’s in the man cave pantsdrunk.
by The Doc75 October 11, 2018
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Financial news correspondent whose only qualification is that she’s more aesthically pleasing than Tom Keene
Geez, check out that new money honey on CNBC……what a dingbat…..
by The Doc75 June 8, 2017
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When a dude tells his buddy about some depraved sexual encounter he’s had (regardless of whether or not it actually really happened), the other guy responds with an experience of his own that is twice as depraved (regardless of whether or not it actually really happened).
Honestly, dude, that incident with the blonde twins and their mother in the elevator…….that never really happened, I was just deviance down-ing you.
by The Doc75 May 27, 2017
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