1 definition by The Clevelander

Anyone that lives inside or within 20 miles of the city limits of Cleveland, Ohio. Real Clevelanders know that Pittsburgh sucks and that the Browns are commin' back. Clevelanders reside in a climate that has 2 seasons: Summer, which is characterized by temperatures in the high 80's and an occassional snow fall, and Winter with temperatures usually in the low 20's while sometimes getting heat spikes into the 90's. They set the Cuyahoga river on fire for fun and use the word "pop", not the incorrect term "soda". Clevelanders can be identified by their characteristic use of prepositions at the end of sentences. If you are in Cleveland and ask a Clevelander which way is North, he or she will instead tell you where the lake is at. To find a Clevelander, simply go outside and yell at the top of your lungs "Browns Suck, go Steelers!". The guy that beats the shit out of you will be a Clevelander.
Clevelander: Where's my coat at?
Non- Clevelander: You must be from Cleveland

Non-Clevelander Visiting Cleveland: Can you tell me which way is North.
Clevelander: The lake is that way.
by The Clevelander April 5, 2010
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