2 definitions by The American Kool-Aid Society

A play off of the word supercilious.
When someone uses words too big for their simplistic sentence, hoping it makes them sound smarter than you.
Searching for insult synonyms on Google and putting them in your clapbacks does not make you look intelligent. It's superfluous to a point of super-silliest, because it's both arrogant and lazy. Your insult is lame and you should be ashamed of how boring you are; now, we're all laughing at you for trying too hard to hide your lack of intelligence.
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When you think you're funnier than everyone else, but they all think you're lame and annoying, at best.
My ex called me supercilious, but he is superlarious because he didn't even use the word correctly and proceeded to make bad "jokes" at my expense. His perspective is undoubtedly the super-silliest.
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