3 definitions by Thatguydodo

A guy who is always on the bottom on the leaderboard of people. He has a little secret something in his pants, Its wider than it is longer. He has long hair and is 1000000% white origin. Don't forget Ethan is vertically fat. So he can reach things for you. And he likes

cookies. A very epicccc gamer and a memergamerlitfamdab
by Thatguydodo June 3, 2019
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The substitute who you never know if he will tend to your class. Has a styrofoam cup filled with who knows what. Likes telling stories with absolutely no relation to class. These include stories about: his cats, salt, his cats, his cats, and other things. He has a sac on his neck. I assume its filled with stories or mabye it opens up and unleashes a fiery inferno when he is mad.
Calvin walks into class, "oh... my... GERDE!!!"
by Thatguydodo June 3, 2019
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