2 definitions by That One Pineapple

Not having an erection after watching "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life" or really any media that includes Shrek.
Friend One: "So did you watch Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life?"
Friend Two: "Yeah that shit was disgusting"
Friend One: "C'mon bro, why you gotta have Shrektile Dysfunction on me"
by That One Pineapple December 14, 2014
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An acronym meaning "Where you at, fam" used by fuckboys and sneakerheads trying to be cool around their non-faggot friends
"Ay, Corey WYAF"
"Out by Starbucks, chillin' with the rest of the squad"
"Aight, I'll hit up in a few"
by That One Pineapple May 29, 2015
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