2 definitions by Testeet

A fag who thinks he's cool because he believes himself e-famous by being a stud, a forum stud. We all know forums are serious, especially MMOs.
Man, that guy was such a Razzeil, he offered to pay me if I let him tongue my taint.
by Testeet October 31, 2008
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Yet again, another incarnation of a fag. This guy constantly talks about his "intelligence" of which he has none. He is like a broken record, using the same slams in every one of his posts. Unfortunately for him, the shots he uses were already coined by other forum dickheads.
Wow, that guy can't say a single sentence without saying baddie, downs, or fail. And to top it all off, he has crusted semen all over his upper lip. What a fucking Demonspinner! It's a shame his mom had such bad aim with that coat hanger.
by Testeet October 31, 2008
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