2 definitions by TerminalLance1371

(adj.) Describing or pertaining to a woman who, if not in Afghanistan, would be repulsive, but every service member wants to have intercourse with them because they're the only women not covered by a burka in this terrible country.
Marine 1: Have you seen Cpl. Angelface?

Marine 2: Yeah, she's definitely Afbhangable. Back in the States we call her Cpl Twatblock.
by TerminalLance1371 January 27, 2012
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(n.) The specific sort of erection brought on by the viewing of a picture or video of a former Disney Channel star scantly clad or naked.
Christie Carlson Romano in Mirrors 2.

Guy 1: Is that Ren Stevens?

Guy 2: Holy shit! It is! I've got a Disney Channel Original Boner!

Guy 1: I'd high five you right now, but I've got one too.
by TerminalLance1371 January 27, 2012
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