1 definition by Teh Secks

A most peculiar place in the British Midlands, in the form of a town with a population of around 60,000.
Ranked as the 9th worst town in Britain, you should be wary when you come here. For Corby is home to a strange people known as the townie, or "oh-ya-dick". These people must be treated with caution.

They are ommonly wearing: Lonsdale, Adidas, Nike, McEnzie, Burberry and Yankees clothing.

Commonly saying: "oh ya rat", or "c'mere ya dick", or "what'ya chattin' about?"

Commonly found: Outside McDonalds, newsagents and generally roaming the streets in large numbers.

Oh well. We have an Asda, and lots of factories. Why not come visit? I'll make you a nice cup of tea.
I was mugged by a townie yesterday when I refused to go into Londis to purchase illegal substances for them.
by Teh Secks November 30, 2004
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