64 definitions by Tara

The coolest toy from the 80's EVER. Attempted to bring them back in the 2000's. Maybe it will work.

I highly doubt it.
OH MY GOD! I found my My Little Pony collection!
by Tara March 1, 2004
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A cartoon character based in the stone age that has square-looking feet that are excellent for peddling cars. Often hard to find shoes to fit such odd looking feet.
It's a good thing Chris has Fred Flintstone Feet to get him where he needs to go since he was a TARD and got his bike stolen.
by Tara May 17, 2005
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you are such an rtard, that is a softball, not a basketball.
by Tara January 30, 2005
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Australian surfer slang, means excited.
"oooo dude im so totally rapt"
by Tara January 6, 2005
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You're aight.
by Tara February 16, 2004
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What is a......Bitch
B= Beautiful
I= Individual
T= That
C= Causes
H= HardOns
by Tara March 18, 2005
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