64 definitions by Tara

adjective, short for tricked out. like when something of material value is extraordinary or above average/superior in quality.
Kenny's ride is trick.
by Tara January 5, 2005
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The best guy I have ever met in my entire life, the guy I gave my heart too and the guy that means everything to me. The guy that I would do anything for and the guy that I never want to lose.

See: amazing, incredible, & breath taking
by Tara February 8, 2005
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It is either a bad situation something bad or wrong has happened
Boy am I in a kurfufel now
by Tara April 20, 2005
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The door installed at my brother's house. No sooner does he get rid of one nasty whore, then another equally as nasty whorin' bitch comes waltzing through hoping to latch on to him. Since he's too busy thinking with his penis he doesn't realize it until her it's too late and everyone hates her.
As soon as Tyson got Amy shoved out the door, he turned the revolving whore door back on and in plopped the stupid whores Amber and Faye.
by Tara March 29, 2005
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v. getting you dick sucked while doing somthing hella cool like eating a sandwitch or playing video games.
Cupcake resived mega dome from buttercup while playing video games.
by Tara June 18, 2006
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Have lost ones mind, gone nuts.
After studying so much, I have gone cuckoo.
by Tara February 24, 2004
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Promiscious BJQ that spends more time horizontal than vertical when she's "servicing clients" at hotels in Colorado Springs.
Tava Ho Foster is a Slanny!
by Tara March 28, 2005
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