6 definitions by Tape Waffle

When you snap out or wake up from a trance,thought, or dream due to the fact that you saw,heard or dreamed of a person, place or thing that you hate or that just makes you angry.
I was so hiffeld this morning because I had a hateup because I wa dreaming about that one person that I really hate.
by Tape Waffle October 13, 2018
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When you snap out or wake up from a thought,trance or dream due to the sheer hate and anger you get from seeing or thinking about a specific person,place, or thing that fills you with hate or anger.
I had a hateup this morning due to the fact that I was dreaming about *blank* ,and it hiffeld me so much I woke up from my dream.
by Tape Waffle October 13, 2018
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The ultimate insult to end any argument and/or conversation.When you can’t even live anymore so you just die and release all bodily fluids from your body, and wander around for eternity never knowing peace
(Person 1): your mom gay, daddy lesbian , sister a mister, grandpap a trap, ancestors incestors, and whole family tree LGBT.

(Person 2): Yeah well your a tape waffle

(Person 1): Dies instantly while simultaneously releasing all bodily fluids from his body and wandering around for eternity without peace.
by Tape Waffle April 3, 2018
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Tapewaffle: It can be anything you want it to be or it can be used in many different ways. Did you mean to use it an a affectionate way, or a lewd way, an angry way, or a sad way who knows only by your tone if voice unless you don’t use it in different tones. In a monotone voice tapewaffle can mean anything , and no one would know.
(Person one) : your such a tapewaffle.

(Person two) : wait did you mean that in a affectionate way or a lewd way?
(Person one): yes
by Tape Waffle August 29, 2018
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Hiffeld: A way of expressing anger without having to cuss.
My science teacher just gave homework over the weekend, I’m so hiffeld right now.
by Tape Waffle August 27, 2018
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A word used to describe a one sided fight in which the losing side got decimated, destroyed or beaten so badly that simple words can not describe it.
Bro the enemy team sucked so bad that they didn’t win a single match and scored like no points. They got absolutely

by Tape Waffle November 13, 2020
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