3 definitions by Taco Kid Guy IDK

A way of rating how much better a song become when you play it at a way too high volume
1: “The Final Solution by Sabaton is very good and also very blastable, I rate 8/10 on the blasting chart”
by Taco Kid Guy IDK June 10, 2020
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A "Meme" originated from Hermitcraft season V when Iskall offered a elytra to a hermit and someone in his chat kept saying: "bbbbbbbbbuuumbbbooooo"
Friend of you: "bbbbbbbbbuuumbbbooooo"
You: "wa..?"
by Taco Kid Guy IDK September 7, 2018
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eyerape is the equivalent of earrape for your eyes
A: “yo what you doing?”
B: “I’m on Discord”
A: “yo dude wtf, is that light mode? that shit’s eyerape at it’s finest”
by Taco Kid Guy IDK July 30, 2020
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