2 definitions by T-Money66

When two gay dudes have anal sex, one dude hugs his pillow for comfort. He is usually hunched over on all fours.
The other night Mark was drilling Crispben’s ass super hard. Crispben was hugging his pillow as he cried gentle tears down his cheeks. It was beautiful. He is a passionate pillow hugger.
by T-Money66 September 28, 2017
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When you have so much anal sex your poo is intertwined with sperm. It looks like a steak that has fat running throughout it. We call that a marbleized steak. You get the same effect with sperm filled shit.
Doctor: I’m afraid you have a severe blockage of marbelized poo lodged in your colon.

Patient: I was bum humped by three men last night. Is it bad that I pretended I was passed out at a party, but I wasn’t? I enjoyed every waking moment of it.
by T-Money66 January 20, 2018
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