4 definitions by T bones bartender

A hard seventeen hand in a game of black jack. You want to hit it but you cant. also known as the mother in law hand
The dealer was showing a ten, and as usual the cards werent going my way. I was dealt an ace and a six, which made my hand a 7 or a 17, so I went by the rule always hit a soft 17 and I drew a 10, which put me right back at seventeen, which is just as helpful as your sisters ass, you want to hit it but you cant.
by T bones bartender May 13, 2008
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Inflammation and burning of the Anus that occurs after digesting particularly spicy foods such as jalapenos or wasabi.
"Ive got a mean case of hot knot, must have been the wasabi I ate last night."

by T bones bartender October 6, 2006
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Hitting it in the rear, in the uk the trunk of the car is the bonnet. anal sex
I had the wife hung over the couch, and while i was tapping the bonnet i think i tweaked a hammy.
by T bones bartender May 20, 2011
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The act of pouring hot sauce in a condom after you used it, before you dispose of it...to prevent a woman from impregnating herself with it.
Did you hear about the insta girl who got a draked and is now suing Drake for her burning Hooch? lol she got burned, literally! She accused him of draking her with franks red hot.
by T bones bartender January 11, 2022
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