5 definitions by Sweetbuttlovin

n. Place a new Scoby in an old jar
She had to clean out the kombucha container so she could rescobify it
by Sweetbuttlovin May 20, 2019
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To turn into a goo or paste
She cooked the onions until they began to gooify
by Sweetbuttlovin February 26, 2019
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n. A cross between a clusterfuck and a catastrophe. When everything goes wrong at once
They stole my car which had all my money and my dog in it then ran over my momma while stealing it. That day was such a Catastrofuck
by Sweetbuttlovin July 15, 2020
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n. The act or state of being a nibshit or a nosy person
Tia ended up moving because of her nosy neighbor’s nibshittingness
by Sweetbuttlovin October 21, 2023
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Blame-shifting; incapable of accepting one’s responsibility and tending to blame one’s problems on others.
She always thought others were the cause of all her problems. She was so damn pointhandy!
by Sweetbuttlovin March 3, 2019
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