2 definitions by SuperSonicHymenBreaker

Cleaning up a woman's period with the quarter pounder bun.
She didn't have any tampons so I helped her out and gave her a Travis Scott Happy Meal®.
by SuperSonicHymenBreaker September 8, 2020
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It's that thing when a midget gets exposed to too much radiation but instead of getting angry and green, they turn blue like a smurf and get really nice.

Pronounced: (Shh-mulk)
New York's hottest club is HULK. It's got everything, Endless tuna-flavored fruit by the foot, A man who stares at you through mirrors in a lab coat, Magnum PI's short shorts, and my favorite... A clown car full of Schmulkes!
by SuperSonicHymenBreaker January 20, 2021
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