3 definitions by Succ69

Its like hentai but more for them 12yr olds. But there's hentai about it. So a dream for 12yr olds. Fucking perverts
Nigga: yo my man i found dis game called Azur Lane

Dude : bitch you fucking weeb or what?!
FBI: we know you got a lot of 'em hentai shit right there nigga
by Succ69 December 6, 2018
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Stands for Mastubating To Hentai. Ususally a weeb will do this. Or a lolicon
Yesterday I saw weebs MTH on the streets at around 3 in the morning. Fuck man, they kept moaning so hard it woke me up
by Succ69 December 8, 2018
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Really good child molester and highly intellectual. Watches loli hentai in his house. Also plays Azur Lane and goes to almighty Hentai Heaven for wisdom
Dude: Yo ma nigga whats up?

Ferzen : When should I rape another child while watching loli hentai?

Dude: Oh shit i forgot you were Ferzen! Gotta call the FBI
by Succ69 December 7, 2018
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