6 definitions by Stufffromjosh

The act of shoving a carrot up the arse.
"Oh boy! I can't wait to go home and Carratdeasso myself!"
by Stufffromjosh January 2, 2020
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Diarrhea is the sensation you get when you just ate 10 metric shit tons of Taco Bell for lunch.
by Stufffromjosh January 2, 2020
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The act of jumping off something in the zone of the sky. These things are usually skyscrapers, including the following: Trump Tower, World Trade Center, and, best of all, my dick.
"The best way to kill yourself is through Sky Zone, if I say so myself."
by Stufffromjosh January 6, 2020
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A sport where the person who can shove a sock up their ass the farthest wins. The other one is when you kick other peoples balls.
"I challenge you to soccer!"
by Stufffromjosh January 2, 2020
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"I can't wait to go home and play with my C.O.C!"
by Stufffromjosh January 6, 2020
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