10 definitions by Stefonamus

A person having the intelligence of a rabbit.

An idea or philosophy that a rabbit could have conjured up
George W. Bush was the most hare brained President we ever had

Who ever came up with the hare brained idea of a burial vault?
by Stefonamus April 3, 2010
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The fun to do prank of shoving your finger in anther persons nose, then jamming that slimed finger into their mouth. When administering a mick to another, it is sometimes necessary to put his head in an arm lock, for they might resist the infliction of that mick. Micks are always funner if you pre flavor the finger with something rank before inflicting it.
Wow! Mike just gave Norman a Double-Barelled Royal MICK! Gross!
by Stefonamus January 19, 2010
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The hard, knotty end of a constipated turd
George! Your thunderhead clogged the toilet again!
by Stefonamus February 12, 2010
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