5 definitions by StarBiscuit

When you use your hands to wipe your ass and mildly enjoy it. It also may include wiping your manure on a piece of toast and feeding it to a pet or relative.
Person A: I was out camping and I ran out of toilet paper
Person B: Damn that sucks, did you have to do the Blanchett Method
Person A: yup
by StarBiscuit July 20, 2023
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A person who has a weird obsession for the Madden games for no apparent reason. Note, they are usually Black or Hispanic
Person A: Dude I bought the new Madden
Person B: Aren’t they the same game every year?
Person A: Bro no they’re not, they are all different and special in their own ways!
Person B: Damn, that guy is such a Garza
by StarBiscuit July 20, 2023
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Getting that sloppiest of head while taking a dump
Person A: Dude, the party was crazy last night

Person B: Yeah, I got the maddest push pop
Person A: Lucky…
by StarBiscuit August 21, 2023
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An 11-year-old fat kid who wants to be a furry. He will always get on your nerves and will cry when he doesn’t get his way. He will lie to your face and try to justify it. Other things include, blocking you 7 times in a month, make cringe videos on Tik-Tok, and will kiss people in VR Chat
Me: I don’t wanna eat at McDonald’s

A BritBrat267: *cries and blocks you*
Me: Damn, he was a BritBrat267
by StarBiscuit March 27, 2022
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A person who completely fails at playing musical instruments they touch. They are usually Band Kids, Choir Kids, or Drama Club Kids
Person A: Fails at playing guitar
Person B: Wow, he’s like a Brit in the Water
by StarBiscuit February 17, 2023
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