21 definitions by Stan West

With regard to the other definition ...
If you're a yankee don't move here, we hate all y'all too!
We don't really care how you did it up north. If everything is so great up there, then Delta is ready when you are!
by Stan West December 19, 2004
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An Asshole on the highway or interstate who insists on getting in front of you no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. Usually it's just a compulsion of many inexperienced yankee agressive drivers who think that by following you and arriving a second and a half later to their destination their lives will somehow be ruined or at least irrepairably damaged. They must get in front of you at all cost, or bob & weave inches from your rear bumper until they do. These are the same people you usually see in handcuffs being escorted to the back of the patrol car after they've caused a major accident.
They are the cool, beutiful people who think that a) the world owes them a living, b) normal laws of physics somehow don't apply to them.
Todd could not understand why the judge sentenced him to 150 hours of community service after he rear ended that family of four with his beamer. They simply should have let 'me go' (mego) first he kept insisting all through his trial.
The next day, in his new Volvo, Todd was killed when he tried to drive up under a slow moving dump truck that had braked suddenly on the highway.
Poor dumbass!
by Stan West December 15, 2005
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Someone who has moved to the South from up north who loves NASCAR, thinks that yankees invented NASCAR and always wears / drives / buys / talks about NASCAR and NASCAR paraphenalia.
pennsylvania race yankees can furthe be identified by their annoying loud mouth personalities. Their incesent need to drive recklessly, tailgating and causing others to swerve out of their way to avoid a collision.
Complete morons who are too stupid to even understand that Southerners hate them, and insist on being treated with "southern hospitality".

An offshoot, equally loathesome is a former resident of Ohio who has moved south but always wears cleveland indian paraphenalia.
We used to go to Lake Norman on weekends, but since mooresville was bought by the pennsylvania race yankees you can't get near the lake on weekends without an armored vehicle.
by Stan West September 21, 2004
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A communist rag that passes itself off as the mouthpiece of an allegedly democratic country.
Their writings typically challenge the soverign power of other counties without the opportunity for rebuttal. Propoganda is a mild word compared to the yellow journalism they are known for thoughout the world.
The touble is, that without the Internet and the value that it avails without substance, credibility or the test of time honoured history this rag has little credibilty. Even so, it is heralded as the voice of a people not far removed from anarchy and cared for still by other nations. A cry from a child who does not yet even understand why it is crying, but imposing itself as the savior of the millenium.
I read in the Times of India, how they are so much smarter than us, it's a pity we didn't happen upon them while we were yet still ameoba; turbans and all, they seemed to possess the power to lift us out of the ooze while still being fed and nurtured by those nations that they now declare they saved.
by Stan West October 23, 2005
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1. A driver who brags about never having had an accident, but has caused many behind him by never thinking situationally about his or her driving.
2. Someone who never pulls completely up to the intersection or the car in front, but rather lags a car length or more behind and stops short or creeps, forcing other drivers to miss lights, block intersections or clog turn lanes because they can't get into position.
3. A jerk who speeds up if you try to pass in the left or right lane but is content to ride beside or just in front of you, usually swerving and failing to maintain speed or lane position because they are preoccupied with their cell phone, makeup or other personal device.
See also volvo and pennsylvania race yankee
1.Buffy bragged of how her beemer slices thru traffic unaware that she's put 3 cars in the ditch since she never looks in the mirror, just another cracked rear view.
2. willis sat back 3 car lengths from the intersection forcing the ambulance to pass on the wrong side of the road, what a cracked rear view.
3. The asshole in the sportage caused me to miss my exit since he'd never let me pass and kept slowing down so I couldn't get to the right lane. The state trooper who pulled him probably sighted him for a cracked rear view.
by Stan West October 19, 2004
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1. To act, think or behave without regard to anyone other than yourself and your interests. Beyond the normal selfish behavior includes lying and distorting even the most apparent facts to get your way.
2. To use the fact that you converted to the Jewish religion to get preferential treatment or to get your way by accusing others of descrimination.
1. He wanted the team lead position so badly that he degrooted me by planting a ficticious e-mail in my personell file.
2. When managers decided that I was the best candidate for the job he wanted, he pulled a degroot saying that I had been a nazi in a previous life and that by promoting me they were descriminating against his Jewish heritage.
by Stan West October 23, 2005
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a hadji or Indian that has come to the U.S. for money and makes friends based on how they can improve his ability to get ahead.
Manisha is just sleeping with him so she can get a promotion. She's such a kowshit to try to get ahead.
by Stan West July 3, 2004
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