3 definitions by Squirell


When a bunch of faggot muj bury explosives, such as C4, mortar rounds, artillery shells, grenades and such in sandy streets. The bomb is set off remotely by a pussy muj hiding somewhere when either a mounted or dismounted Coaltion patrol passes by.

These events are usually recorded and put on the web, set with radical Islamic chants in the backround and the triggermen screaming "Allah Akbar!", which means "God is great."

Very, very popular in Iraq, but now is turning up in Afghanistan.
IED's are for pussies! If you're a real martyr come out and shoot at us, you pussy muj!
by Squirell June 23, 2005
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Pieces, remnants, blood, organs, or hunks of flesh remaining from dead insurgents/terrorists in Iraq or Afghanistan. Used avidly to describe dead muj in SVBIED attacks.
The suicide blew himself up into haji jerkey as our convoy padded.

Kill Count - 1 (HIMSELF)

Have fun in Hell, asshole.
by Squirell June 23, 2005
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Translation - Suicide Car Bombing

Popular in Iraq, where muj sit in cars packed with explosives and wait for Coalition convoys to pass by. A coward triggerman hides and presses the button, blowing the muj in the car and whoever was in the passing vehicle, to pieces. Makes a lot of haji jerkey.
An SVBIED hit the Gertie's convoy, killing him and 4 of his guys.

by Squirell June 23, 2005
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