7 definitions by Spiritualist

The headquarters of Sesh, which is located in Bristol UK, and is run and maintained by the core of the never ending sesh crew. Sesh HQ is where all the never ending sesh action happens on a 24-7 basis, ie dirty Turkeys , hooners, the seshipe, pints of rish-rouge, nitrous oxide balloons, butane huffing, glue sniffing, and anything else that gets you monged. HQ is full of seshlords, cheeky little sauce bottles, naughty little numbers, blasting 24-7 arse mother fuckers, and inspirational human beings. Eating, sleeping, water, sesh non-enthusiasts, mine sweeping, camping and opening the blinds are all banned, all the house plants are dead, and the music runs 24-7 like a motherfucker, with top notch bangers blasting out relentlessly. The neighbours keep complaining about a party that has been going on for more than 3 years, with seshlords and absolute legends coming and going at all hours. HQ inspires and gives orders to sesh soldiers worldwide, who are fighting in the ongoing struggle to be constantly off their pickle. It also has the pioneers of the seshipe and other drug accumulation recipes living there and working hard on new sesh recipe material on a daily basis. Impeccable technique, high grade shit, accumulated sleep deprivation and verbal diarrhea are all major parts of the skill set required
to soldier at sesh HQ. I ❤️ the sesh.
Fresh orders just in from Sesh H.Q. All sesh non enthusiasts are to be treated as hostiles and are to be engaged on sight."
by Spiritualist June 27, 2021
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A quick cheeky bump of illicit powder, in a risky environment, like an airport, train station, sofa in a sweedish furniture shop, fake taxi, or say whilst driving your car.
Feeling sketchy in an airport? Quick danger bump in the toilet will sort that out.
"Hey pal, we're driving through tooting, would it be rude not to have a cheeky bump?
Great idea....a danger bump"
by Spiritualist May 25, 2020
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A fine beverage, often enjoyed on the sesh by a seshlord or a legend, and always served in a pint glass. Put around 6 shots (150 Ml) of whiskey in the bottom of the glass, and fill it up to the top with red wine. It is highly recommended that this drink is consumed in one or downed.
'Barman - "what can I get you"
Customer - "3 pints of Irish-rouge please"
barman - "surely you're not gonna drink all three yourself?"
Customer - "of course I am cause I'm a fucking legend."'
by Spiritualist June 20, 2021
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Absolute legend, core member of the never ending sesh crew, never eats, sleeps, hydrates, or stops the sesh. A total enthusiast who increases everyones enjoyment at any given party, at any given moment. In other words, an absolute G.

You can spot him on the dance floor a mile off by looking for the vibes and hot feral chicks, wether music is playing or not he is the sesh. No party ,festival, or night is complete without jsd. Dripping in sweat ,gurning his tits off, and truly one of a kind. He ❤️'s the sesh.
“Hey guys, let's get Jonny-Sleep-Depp on the firm and keep this motherfucker running 24-7.“
“Want to learn off a proper sesh lord? Speak to Jonny-Sleep-Depp then and prepare to get totally schooled.“
by Spiritualist June 27, 2021
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A crack pipe made out of a miniature 5cl alcohol bottle, by banging a hole in the bottom with a screwdriver, and stuffing a {metal gauze} in the top.
I want my lungs wrapped round that dirty turkey arse motherfucker 24-7.

Lets slip off and do a sneaky dirty turkey in the pub toilet while no one's watching. Got a lighter?
by Spiritualist January 15, 2020
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Someone who dedicates their life to the sesh, either with friends, strangers or alone, in any given environment, at home, at a party, on public transport or even at their grandma's house. Someone who goes through life in such a way that the sesh always takes priority over everything. Over family, friends, relationships, health, food , hydration, personal hygiene and work. A total enthusiast, or in other words an absolute G. I ❤️the sesh.
"Mate, you're an absolute seshlord, a true inspiration to me and others, every single day."

"Guy's, lets head down to Bristol, get some seshlords on the firm, and party on a non-stop basis until Thursday week."
"Hey, do you know that English legend with the dreadlocks who lives near Toulouse in France, in the forest? ...he's the ultimate seshlord"
by Spiritualist February 10, 2020
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The recipe for the ultimate accumulated high, whilst on the session at sesh Hq in bristol, uk, pioneered, tried and tested by the never ending sesh crew, and tweaked to perfection. The method is as follows: Take a hit of gbl, after 30 mins when the gbl is working have a large shot of scotch and a large slug from a pint of irish rouge . Next you blaze down a rollie like a motherfucker, giving yourself an impressive head rush. Immediately after that you smoke down hard on a dirty turkey arse mother fucking crack pipe, then with no break hit a nitrous oxide balloon making sure you smash it double hard, then immediately have a very large huff of butane gas from the gas can, and finally a hug with one of the chicks in the room for an oxytocin hit. Now lay back and enjoy the ultimate bell ringer, knee deep in the sesh, whilst enjoying a scientifically worked out drug accumulation.
"Soldiers, lets grab all the supplies from the shop, and then head straight to sesh HQ and smash out the seshipe like a bunch of double hard bastard sesh enthusiasts. I❤️ the sesh.

"oh, I see your an enthusiast? have you ever tried the ultimate seshlords drug accumilation seshipe? you're gonna love it, its gonna ring your bell."

"Guys, one of the main seshipe pioneers has just arrived, he's got his head stand cushion out"
by Spiritualist May 25, 2020
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