62 definitions by Spirit Bear

A charismatic leader is someone who is able to assert authority over a person or group of people without any logical basis for rule using only their own charisma.
Some charismatic leaders include Jesus Christ, George W Bush, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and Steve Jobs.
by Spirit Bear September 9, 2007
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Variables that are set on a MUCK charcter that identify all of its properties. Short for Properties.
I had to set a verification prop on myself to get into the Foo bar.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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An awkward pause that follows a question you know the answer to but don't have the stones to answer truthfully.
Smith: We made a decision to change our pricing model, and what we've done is we've allowed people to share data among a number of devices regardless of how many people are on the plan, it's a device model. And we're charging on the megabytes of data that they use.

Moe: Why?

(Verizon Pause)

Smith: People have changed the usage of how they're using their devices. They're moving to using more data, and to ensure the speed and reliability and the access to the network, people are paying for the amount of data that they use.
by Spirit Bear June 13, 2012
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1. A game in which everyone in a circle passes a spliff, bong or other smokeage. Everyone puts five on it. Each time you take a hit you say "puff puff pass." If you fail to say it, cough or pass out, you're out of the rotation. The last person holding the smokeage keeps all the money.

2. A reminder that someone is holding and should pass.
Dude, you're camping on the bong. Puff puff pass.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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What you should be asked when you complain that your favorite software is missing a feature or has a bug.
You: Why doesn't this program make me a sandwich instead of just sorting lines of text?

Software author: I'd be happy to merge those changes for you. Where's the patch?
by Spirit Bear January 17, 2012
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An act that causes you to be excluded from the rotation at a party, usually a faux pas.
John dropped the bong. "Whoah, party fowl!" James exclaimed.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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A process that used to be used back in the day by call center agents supporting cable modems. It was a long, multi-step average handle time killer that included ripping out Windows' TCP/IP components, removing and re-installing network drivers, deleting the related entries from the registry, deleting some Windows system files that were frequently corrupted, restoring the system files, rebooting a few times, getting up and doing the chicken dance on your desk, calling the Mentor Line a few dozen times and guzzling lots of coffee. Always done as a last resort, usually at the recommendation of a mentor.
John tried ripping the stack and the nic, but that didn't work so he just did The Big Nasty and that got her back online.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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