2 definitions by Sp4de

Anyone who makes deez nuts jokes, especially all the time, are really fun to hang out with and are always the life of the party. They don't like being put on the spot despite the fact that they're very social. They're loved by many and even though they're fun and lively, behind the scenes, they're really insecure and sad, so if you ever see a person who makes deez nuts jokes all the time, ask them if they're doing okay!
Sam: hey there's something on your chin
Bailey: Really, What?

Sam: deez nuts on your chin!

Bailey: You always do that!
by Sp4de September 15, 2021
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Sheesh is a word used by gay men or gay couples, to indicate the sexual desires they wish to have with them
Jacob: Sheesh, what's up damian
Damian: Say less papi ;)
by Sp4de September 15, 2021
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