1 definition by Sotesf

Alternate way of saying Sandwich, however unlike a "Sandwich", which can mean anything that is placed in-between cooked dough, such as rolls,(ice cream sandwich, Submarine Sandwich, or even the burger), "Samwich" is distinct in that it refers to a sandwich that is made with "at least two slices of bread" often with cold meat; sometimes with lettuce, tomato, and/or cheese.

Though it uses sliced bread it is not always white bread, and can include whole grain or wheat.The bread can be coated with any condiments to enhance flavor& texture, and eaten with or without the crust. Samwiches are a popular lunch food, typically taken to work, school, or picnics as a packed lunch.

Not to be confused with "Samich", an alternate pronunciation of 'sandwich'; or "sandwich wrap" which is made with flatbread. Or a manwich which is a Sloppy joe 'burger'.
The Iconic "Ham samwich"
Peanut butter & jelly samwich
Bologna samwich
Roast beef samwich
Club samwich,
Cucumber samwich
Toasted or grilled cheese samwich
English Samwich,
Tuna samwich
and sometimes Egg salad samwich(if it uses sliced bread)
by Sotesf November 11, 2013
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