31 definitions by Sonicbo0mz

The ultimate goal of having the crooked Governor of Florida removed from his comfy chair in Tallahassee.
Hey, any big plans for 2022?

Yes, I’d like to Desantisize Florida!
That would be great!!
by Sonicbo0mz November 11, 2020
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A new breed of American right wing nationalists that support Putin and the Kremlin from their couch eating Twinkies in the air-conditioned comfort of their double wide while watching FOX News and planning a “Special Military Operation” in every American woman’s uterus.
Did you hear about Chad? Yeah, he’s one of those Repubunists now. I knew that would happen when he got sucked into the y’allagarchy
by Sonicbo0mz May 11, 2022
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The New Book by Ron DeSantis, current Neo-Fascist ruler of DeSantisistan (formerly Florida) celebrating his frequent battles with a Cartoon Mouse, gay people and books that mention slavery. His new book is basically like Mein Kampf, but with Twinkies and Airconditioning.
Did you secure your copy of the DeSantifesto?
by Sonicbo0mz February 21, 2023
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Also known as the Daytona 500, NASCAR’s biggest day! Kind of cool to see, even if you're not a fan. Many go for the wrecks that you can experience without actually being in them. Food, beer and Merch are also a draw. People watching is as much fun as the race its self.
I went to the Left Turn Olympics to drink beer in the sun and see wrecks!
by Sonicbo0mz February 14, 2021
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A MAGA event held in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 20, 2020 where the Orange One invited his loyalists to cheer him on at the BOK center without any regard to social distancing. It was a total failure as TikTok Users secured some 13,800 tickets with no intent to use them leaving the venue filled to only 31% capacity. See also The “Emptysburg Address!”
Dude, are you going to The Trump Rally at the BOK Center?
You mean, Did I get my ticket to Coronapalooza? with no intent to go? Of course!!
by Sonicbo0mz June 22, 2020
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Any part of the extreme right wing government of the State of Florida that is protecting Ron DickSandwich from the reckoning that is likely to come his way in the near future as he signs one fascist state law after another.
Did you hear that the y’allagarchy in Tallahassee wants to prevent Disney from operating under their special permit they’ve had since 1971 because Disney doesn’t like his anti-everything not fat, rich, straight, white, Christian or policies.
by Sonicbo0mz April 3, 2022
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A bizzare new hairstyle pioneered by Senator Ted Cruz during the second Trump Impeachment trial. Its a “Trial out front with an Insurrection out back” look. At first it was thought that he either a) got up and left mid haircut or b) lost a bet. Either way, its part of the new normal.
How do you like my Impeachment mullet? I got it at “QAnon Clips
by Sonicbo0mz February 13, 2021
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