515 definitions by Someone who kinda exists

An episode of SpongeBob Squarepants that is entirely focused around making Squidward's life as miserable as possible.
Squidward Torture Porns are among the most reviled episodes of Spongebob. "Good Neighbors", "Ink Lemonade", and "Choir Boys" are generally considered the three worst STP's.
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A Sudden Song is a song that starts very abruptly. It typically opens with the singer/band screaming the chorus, with not even a single second of instrumental before it.

A Sudden Song generally scares the shit out of the person vibing to their music, especially when it's preceded by a song that is very calm/quiet.

The Beatles are notorious for this, particularly with the songs "Paperback Writer", "With A Little Help From My Friends", and "Can't Buy Me Love".
Person: "Ah, that was a nice, slow song. I really needed to relax. I wonder what's next."


Person: "HOLY SHIT!" *Scrambles to turn the volume down* "Those damn sudden songs!"
by Someone who kinda exists April 17, 2022
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A website consisting of die-hard Marvel fans who make weird stories involving said characters, and also their actors upon occasion. Loki, Bucky, and Peter/Tom Holland are particularly popular.

Some of them also do the same thing with BTS, Supernatural, and MHA/BNHA, among others. Basically a place where you can indulge in your fetishes and forget about life for awhile, if you're into that kind of stuff.
Let's just take a moment to appreciate Tumblr for allowing people to be themselves without being judged. At least they're not invading other websites as often.
by Someone who kinda exists September 18, 2021
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The most overrated band of all time.
Dear Pink Floyd:

If I wanted to listen to a 6-10 minute song that has only 1-2 minutes of actual lyrics, or a 1-6 minute song that has incredibly repetitive lyrics, I would either sing in the shower, or listen to classical music.
by Someone who kinda exists January 20, 2022
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