1 definition by Someguy004

Located on the Mediterranean right below Spain; having many spanish influences- food, culture, language, etc. Both the atmosphere and people are beautiful. These people have no one set of features, rather they vary (yes there are not-so-pretty ones as well). Rather exotic looking, full curvy physics, curly hair is common and depending on region, colored eyes is also present. Skin tone varies as well, from the really pastey ones to the typical- meditteranean olive-skin tone. Yes some look black as well. Christians, Jews & Muslims make up the population. French, Arabic & Spanish are the languages spoken People from this area may pass of as being quite abit; latin/South American (Spanish), Arab (as they are), French, Greek, Armenian, Italian, Persian or some sort of mix (as our ancestors are dispersed).
"Let's go to Morocco this summer! It's the ideal Summer destination"
"Mess with a Moroccan girl at your own risk..."
by Someguy004 December 20, 2009
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