5 definitions by Some random guy on the net

The stupid little icon you press to write a stupid word.

Why are you even reading anymore.
Guy 1: "I pressed the Urban Dictionary Written By You Icon and I got sent to A make a word drop list"
Guy 2: "The Urban Dictionary is for {perverts}.
Guy 3: "{ikr}"
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The only reason to be on the internet anymore
I saw a bunch of memes on Facebook the other day and nothing else
by Some random guy on the net October 10, 2017
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The alternative of {SDD}
It means a {disorder} of having a pretty{long dick}.
During Sex, LDD is a pretty good disorder, you get the ladies by you.
Dont be shy if you have LDD,
Its a gift.
Random Girl: "aAaAaAhHhHhHhH! {Fuck me daddy} I SO LOVE YOU HAVE LDD!"
Random Guy"ikr now fuck me harder you bitch"
(both moan at the same time while the cranky neighbour calls the police where the couple end up having a threesome)
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A fucking hyper autistic internet trend that makes me lose faith in humanity
*clip plays yanny/laurel*
Autistic teenager 1: it says yanny
Autistic teenager 2: it says laurel
*they scream*
Average teenager: quit it you autistic cunt bags. No one gives a shit.
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A diesease with 100 percent chance of death. Some of us go out quicker than others, but everyone dies at one point or another.
I am diagnosed with life I have another 70ish years to live
by Some random guy on the net October 10, 2017
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