1 definition by Smithy500awesome

Katelynn is a very strong, independent woman. She has great ambitions and values. She always puts her family and friends first. She is sweet and heartfelt when she is with the people she loves. She never lets what people say about her get to her because she believes they are lacking confidence, hence the reason they say things about her. When she tries to be mad, it never lasts and she ends up laughing harder than you would expect from her figure. She tries to be threatening, but ends up being super funny to watch try. She always strives to be the best she can, and even though she doesn’t care about what others think of her, she tries to be a great role model and best person she can. Hardships n bet break her and she is extremely stubborn. She is also very clumsy, but is very good at owning it. Katelynn loves to do staring contests, but her favorite game is truth or dare because she is an open book and loves to watch others secrets spill or watch them be obnoxious. She is entertaining and great to talk to, whether it is bad, good or just small talk. She is super quirky and knowledgeable, but doesn’t shove them down others throats. She is open to advice, even though she might not always listen to it. But most of all, Katelynn doesn’t give up!
Katelynn is a girl everyone wants to have, whether friend, family, or relationship wise.
by Smithy500awesome August 28, 2018
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