3 definitions by Sluka

An affliction commonly seen in slukas. Manifested by an overwhelming desire of snuggle, half-shut eyes, and involotary sleepy-soft/warmness.
"I think i'm coming down with Snuggle-fever."

"The doctor determined i have snuggle-fever"
by Sluka July 7, 2004
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A lazy person. Derived from the word "slug", the detraction of the letter 'g' is to denote laziness to the point of not using the last letter.

Casually lazy, procrastinating.
"Aw man, you're such a slu."

"No time to be a slu, you have a test to study for"
by Sluka July 7, 2004
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A semi-silly person who endulges quite frequently in snuggling. Often afflicted with Snuggle-fever.

A common composite is Sluka Slu, a person who is both a slu and a sluka.
"Momo is such a sluka."

"y r u 1 sluka?"

"come here, my little sluka-slu"
by Sluka July 7, 2004
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