1 definition by SlasherBé

Pronounced : Slasher-Bae

1): Noun A compound word using the words Slasher and Bae. It defines all (baes) who love all things Slasher related.

2: Noun The Alias of the Main Character of the SlasherBé Manga, written by Whitney Davis aka CrystalBé

3: The Title of a graphic novel (Manga) Witten by Whitney Davis aka CrystalBé Illistrated by Anibé Senpai

Alternative spellings: SlasherBae
1: Omg, I’m such a SlasherBé!

2: SlasherBé is my favorite character.

3:Did you guys read the hottest new Manga out there, called SlasherBé?
by SlasherBé March 29, 2022
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