4 definitions by Skoofora

The name to call your sister named Maria Sophia
Person1 Maria Sophia tortilla gorilla get here
by Skoofora November 6, 2020
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PERSON 1 Oh hi xadus you smell like shit
PERSON 2 I'm big booty Jim
by Skoofora July 16, 2021
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akawakadagawag-in (aka-waka-dag-ah-wagon) akawakadagawag-in is the act of calling someone out who is badly doing or preforming something. akawakadagawag-in can also mean "gossiping" about somebodys flaws
Person 1: BRO! your totally akawakadagawag-in right now
Person 2: Sorry my bad

Person 1: Do you see _____ she is totally akawakadagawag-in right now
Person 2: Totaly
by Skoofora June 26, 2022
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a nickname for babyphiles who are sexualy attracted to their family members specifically young kids
Person1 " did you hear john is a hallie?"
Person2 " no way i can't belive that"
by Skoofora April 12, 2022
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