3 definitions by Skiivin

Sticking one’s penis in the foreground of a photo without warning, as coined by comedian Bobcat Goldthwait
I remember vining at least three families last time I was on Hollywood Boulevard!
by Skiivin August 5, 2022
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Addictive drugs or alcohol, usually of the sort you would use at a party. See also: beam, bad medicine.
“Spend my money on the honey, and life in the beam” - No Money No Honey, by FIDLAR. “Hey man, you bring any golden honey?” -Dude at the party you just arrived at.
by Skiivin January 5, 2018
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To metaphorically fall on one's face; to royally screw up.
Jesus Christ, Ellen! You just pulled a serious guava when you tried to livestream last night! You're queen of pulling a guava!
by Skiivin December 29, 2016
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