2 definitions by Sid--

A disease that kills people. There is a known cure for cancer, but the the drug companys don't really want the public to know that, because they will lose money from the people who buy thier products.
The only reason the media says there is no cure for cancer, because if there was, nobody would buy medicine, and the drug companys can't let that happen because it's all about the money$money$money.

The cure for cancer is simple. Just crack open the pit of an apricot, plumb, or any kind of fruit like that, and eat the seeds. Do this everyday to pervent cancer. If you already have cancer, you should eat around 8 apricot seeds everyday to cure it. People have been doing this for years to cure cancer. The reason alot of people don't hear about this, is becuase if you did, you wouldn't have to buy medicine, and therefore, the drug companies would go bankrupt.

Don't waste your time putting unnatural chemicals into your body, when you can do it the natural, and more accurate way.
by Sid-- April 4, 2006
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AIDS is a virus that was released to the public to control population from getting out of hand. The United Stated government then tried to blame it on a bunch of gays, simply because the government doesn't like them.
When the USA govemnment feels like they've killed enough people, they will release the vaccine that was created around the same time the AIDS virus was.

Don't blindly follow what your leaders say. AIDS is not a natural virus. They wanted to kill a bunch of people on PURPOSE. It didn't start in Africa, it didn't start with homosexuals.
by Sid-- April 4, 2006
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