2 definitions by Shrek pillow

The study of annoying retarded people. You can use the 1-Ben scale to determine how annoying and retarded people are.
On a scale of 1-Ben, Paul is about a 5. (The higher the number the more annoying they are)
Elias studies Benology and hates his job.
by Shrek pillow October 23, 2022
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The OMEGACHAD in the Grand Theft Auto online cayo perico heist, pavel likes to call you kapitan even though he is the true kapitan, he lives of a diet of red caviar, navy wine, and vitiman D supplements, pavel also has big pp.
Gtao player 1: hey, have you done the CP heist

Gtao player 2: yeah, I love it when Kapitan pavel calls me kapitan
by Shrek pillow March 17, 2021
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