6 definitions by Shoe456

Yonathan and Friends are the coolest space on Quora, they got drama, real world issues, chads, and over 10 million views
Me: Have you ever joined Yonathan and Friends
You: No
Me:Well, your missing out
You:Damn, now I want to join it
Me: join it
by Shoe456 April 20, 2022
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Me: Have you heard about the person who let himself chugged tide pods.
Joe: Yup, he was a real flibberbigit.
by Shoe456 December 7, 2020
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Having a biggus cockus
1: Niceus Cockus
2:Thank you sir
2: Wait. I thought we were talking about chicken
by Shoe456 April 28, 2022
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The religion of memes where memes are birthed from funny stuff that happens to humans and sacks stuff that is dead meme.
joe;Where is the le monke meme.

me;in the memeism
joe; is that the place where they sack dead memes and make new memes
me; yes
by Shoe456 July 16, 2020
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Some silly foolish simp who is part of the simp cult with the worst people. Sakura is an example of someone part of simpism.
Sakura is an example of someone part of simpism.
by Shoe456 July 16, 2020
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