2 definitions by Shawn Kennedy

1)the interrogative word one uses to ask another if the event that just happened was booch worthy. Can be interpretted as 'agreed?'.

2)the sentence "can i get a booch?" made into one really sweet word.
dude 1: This food is deelish. Canagetabooch?

dude 2: Booch!
by Shawn Kennedy April 3, 2004
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booch is an adjective used in conversation to describe all excellent things. It can also be an answer to a question if someone wanted to know if a certain thing was booch quality or not.
Dude, that game was booch.
dude 1: 'play some disc golf?'
dude 2: 'booch.'
dude 1 (in agreement): 'booch.'
by Shawn Kennedy April 3, 2004
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