4 definitions by Shasko Dubich

Shyster is a lawyer who practices law in an unethical manner.
After liquidating his assets to a gardener, Shasko Dubich knew not even his team of shyster lawyers could save him.
by Shasko Dubich February 2, 2022
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A shyster is a lawyer who practices law unethically and takes bribes from rich tycoon ballas.
After liquidating his assets to his gardener, Shasko Dubich, Andre knew not even his team of shyster lawyers could save him now.
by Shasko Dubich February 3, 2022
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A Dubich is a drunk gardener bragging about fictitious richs, he is always late on the job and doesn’t mow the lawns or rake the leaves. He leaves drunk and broken beer bottles riddled around your lawn.
Shasko and Andre are total Dubichs! They didn’t mow the lawns but instead bragged about their riches of g wagons and trailer parks and left broken beer bottles all over my lawn! What a bunch of Dubichs!
by Shasko Dubich February 3, 2022
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A gardener is a piece of shit who never mows the lawns and let’s all your plants die.
Shasko Dubich our gardener pulled up in his 2005 g wagon and was three hours late and all he had to do was mow the grass and rake the leaves. Andre Rakin his right hand man was drinking a beer while Shasko Dubich bragged about how he owned a trailer park.
by Shasko Dubich February 3, 2022
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