2 definitions by Shankomatic

A BEAR GRYLLS is known to be the deadliest creature on the Earth. when encountering a BEAR GRYLLS, use extreme caution. use a heavy english accent when adressing a BEAR GRYLLS. if the BEAR GRYLLS begins to do aerobics naked next to a fire in Siberia, you must proceed into emergency actions...
Emergency Actions: 1-Scratch Armpits and make sounds like a Walrus.
2-do the Kit-Kat handshake with yourself....fast.

3-make yourself seem inferior, (which you are) to the BEAR GRYLLS, this is doneby making gesturees of a blowjob.

4-shake a baby
5-shake another baby
6-put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye

If this doesn't work, pelvic thrust again and again until the threat goes away. but DO NOT rap harcore, the BEAR GRYLLS will charge. If the BEAR GRYLLS decides he is going to kill you, there is nothing you can do, he will rip you limb from limb. I once saw a BEAR GRYLLS get shot square in the eye, and didn't even blink.
by Shankomatic June 29, 2009
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A vicious creature that attacks under sea campers. A sea Bear is drawn to many things, which include wearing a sunbrarow in a funny way, eating cubed cheese, playing the clarinet badly, and dancing badly. The only known defense to a Sea Bear attack is a Sea Bear circle. NOT AN OVAL! don't run, walk limp, or skip away, or it will charge.
I was attacked by a massive Sea Bear because I play clarinet badly.
by Shankomatic June 29, 2009
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