1 definition by Severin Aykoos

1. An activity involving a group of people frequenting many bars together. Often referred to as a "pub crawl".
2. To move very slowly, as on one's hands and knees. But can also refer to anything being slow.
3. A small space beneath a house used for performing maintenance. Sometimes called a "crawlspace".
4. To criticize
5. The text moving across the bottom of the screen during a news broadcast
1. Hey, the pub crawl is happening tonight; we're gonna get wasted!
2. Me and the boys crawled up behind that sucka and he didn't even hear us!
3. I ducked the cops by hiding out in the crawl.
4. Don't you be crawlin' me like that. You best back off!
5. Hey man, they got that shit you did last week in the crawl today.
by Severin Aykoos July 15, 2021
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