2 definitions by SesameStreetSeed

The thing dumb people say when they mean r/whoooosh
Person 1: Tells joke

Person 2: Doesn't get joke and says dumb shit

Person 3: "whoosh" or "r/whoosh"

Person 4: "r/itswhooooshwith4os" or "r/itswhooooshnotwhoosh"
by SesameStreetSeed December 5, 2018
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Adjective: pink and round
Noun: A fat gay Vacuum cleaner that can Fly, Eat and spit
Wow your so bad, you play very kirby.

Dude, stop acting like a kirby its getting out of control.

Person A: See that guy over there.
Person B: Ewww, he looks like a kirby.
by SesameStreetSeed June 20, 2017
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